Name Blog Post Description
2D Combat AI A little top-down shooter with some fighting AI.
Connect 4 A simple Connect 4 game that I implented in highschool.
Gravity A simple n-body gravity simulation. Click to spawn mass!
Physics Sandbox 1 A physics sandbox that I made in highschool. It doesn't support friction or rotation.
Noughts and Crosses: Ugly Singleplayer , Pretty Multiplayer Some noughts and crosses implementations I made. The singleplayer version was my first attempt at making game AI. It's not very good, you can definitely beat it. The multiplayer version is more polished. Both are games I made in highschool.
Defend The Earth My entry for Ludum Dare 38 (A Small World): a 2d space shooter
Quest My entry for Ludum Dare 39 (Running out of Power): a side scroller where you are a wizard racing to cure their curse. I only ended up making two levels, including the tutorial one.
Dungeon Solitaire My entry for Ludum Dare 41 (Combine 2 Incompatible Genres), where I decided to mix Solitaire with a Dungeon Crawler.
Repeater N/A A quick prototype of a game concept proposed by a friend. You need a controller connected in order to play.
Physics Sandbox 2 N/A A physics sandbox that I made in 2019 after reading some neat articles about 2D physics and how to handle collision resolution nicely.
Herbie N/A A little interactive simulation of our family dog, Herbie, which I made as a birthday present for my dad.
Space Race A coding game where you have to implement the flight controller for a rocket and have it take off and orbit a planet.